What are Webhooks and APIs?

Learn about how Radaro uses Webhooks and APIs

Webhooks are a powerful method for sharing data between web applications in real-time. It’s how Medium articles can be easily shared to Facebook at the click of a button, and it’s how eCommerce platforms like Shopify can automate the shipping of purchased products. 

Essentially, there are two different methods for web apps to communicate information, webhooks and APIs:



To put those definitions in context; an API is like a post office box, where you are required to check regularly for new mail, whereas a Webhook is like a dedicated postman that comes to your door and notifies you every time you receive mail. 

From a Radaro context, an API could:

  • Create jobs in bulk;

  • Get order's details by external_id;

  • Assign a driver to a job by ID;

  • Update a job;

  • Terminate a job

Radaro Webhooks can send all events immediately when Job statuses are changed or a new job has been created. 

To summarize, Webhooks are used to connect two different web applications, so that when an event occurs on the trigger application, information about the event is sent to the receiving application, where it can be processed and used to automatically initiate new actions. This empowers real-time connectivity between applications and allows for the automation of many processes.

Looking for Radaro API/Webhook Documentation? You can find it here.

Review our article with more details on using Radaro API/Webhooks in your integration.

If you have questions about Radaro's API / Webhook events or are interested in learning more about how Radaro can be integrated into your operations, contact your Radaro Account Manager or a member of the Radaro team via support@radaro.com.