Updating Device Location Settings for Radaro (Android)

Learn how to set up and configure location settings for Radaro on an Android device

Radaro pings the driver device every 10-15 seconds to accurately update location and provide visibility to both customers and managers. 

To ensure Radaro is able to ping the driver device, locations settings must be set to "Allow all the time"

As the Radaro app is set up for the first time, users are prompted to allow access to the device's location. 

*Please note that the exact screens vary by device type


Android OS 10+

Ensure Device Location Settings Are Turned On

Go to Settings > Location > App Permission > Radaro > Allow All the Time


If you need assistance with your location settings or are interested in learning more about how Radaro can be integrated into your operations, contact your Radaro Account Manager or a member of the Radaro team via support@radaro.com.