Quantity Editing

Quantity Editing allows drivers to make changes to cargo attached to each job as well as add new cargo picked up at a customer's location

Quantity Editing is a modular feature which can be enabled or disabled for your Radaro account.

Cargo can be added to a job when creating jobs via API.

Each time a driver makes a change to an individual skid, we send a new webhook event, enabling you to update third party systems each time a driver adds, edits or deletes a skid.

Skids are viewable within the “Skid Adjustment” section of the driver app.

Drivers can view the skids on any job at any time.  Skids can only be adjusted by a driver when the job status is “In_Progress”.  Changes can be made via API at any time.  The types of allowed changes for an individual skid are: add, edit and delete.

To edit a skid, the driver can select the pencil icon on the top-right side of that skid’s details.  Once the appropriate changes have been made, the driver taps “save”.  If the driver exits without saving, the changes will not be saved.  The driver can edit the following information for any skid:

  • Skid name
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
    • Unit for Dimensions (Inches or Centimeters)
  • Weight
    • Unit for Weight (Pounds or Kilograms)
  • Quantity

From the same screen as above, the driver can delete a skid.  After tapping “delete”, a second dialog box appears prior to deleting a skid.  This action cannot be undone once a skid is deleted.

Drivers can add skids by tapping “add” within the “Skid Adjustment” section of the driver app.  Default dimensions are configurable if your business has a standard item size, allowing drivers to move quickly though this workflow.

Once a job is completed, drivers can view the final skids attached to an individual job by referencing the job from their “completed” job list.  Drivers can navigate to this section by tapping on the “funnel icon” and selecting “completed” from the status list.

If you need assistance with Quantity Editing or are interested in learning more about how Radaro can be integrated into your operations, contact your Radaro Account Manager or a member of the Radaro team via support@radaro.com.