How to delete or unassign jobs

Learn how to delete or unassign jobs in Radaro

Deleting jobs

  1. Log in to your Radaro Portal and select the Jobs tab.
  2. Double click on the job you wish to delete (you can delete a job while it is assigned or unassigned).

3. Select Delete.

 *Please note that you cannot delete a job once its status is “In progress”.

 Unassigning a job from a driver

  1. Log in to your Radaro Management Portal and select the Jobs tab.
  2. Double click on the assigned job that you wish to unassign.
  3. Select Change Job Status.
  4. Select Unassign.

 *Please note that you cannot unassign a job once its status is “In progress”.

If you need assistance deleting / unassigning jobs or are interested in learning more about how Radaro can be integrated into your operations, contact your Radaro Account Manager or a member of the Radaro team via