Attach documents to your Job Report as part of the Job Completion process.
How to scan or upload a document(s)
Step 1
Once you have selected the appropriate Success Code, taken photos and/or obtained a signature click Add a document.
Step 2
Click the green Add a document button then choose:
a) Scan with Camera - to scan a document
b) Choose a file - to upload a document saved to your device
Step 3
To Scan - Position your device over the page so the camera can pick up the four corners of the page. Once positioned, the camera will take a scan of the page.
Click save to proceed or move your device to a second page(s) for scanning if necessary.
To Upload a Document - Once you've selected Choose a file, you will be directed to your devices File app. Select the file you wish to upload, and you will be redirected to the Document summary screen in the Driver App.
Step 4 (Optional)
If tags are being used, select the correct tag associated with the scanned document.
Note: If you are scanning multiple document types that have different tags, you will need to save the scan for the first type of document, then repeat the process for the second type of document, so you can choose the right tag for each document.
Step 5
Once all scans/uploads are completed, click the back button "<" (top left corner) to return to the job completion screen and complete the job as normal.
Q - What if I scanned the wrong page or uploaded the wrong document?
A - Once the scan or document upload is completed, you will have a summary screen where you can select the "x" (right side of scan summary) to remove the scan.
Note: Once the job has been completed, you will not be able to remove the documents or make any changes.
Q - Can Document Scanning or Upload be mandatory?
A - If document is not added, Drivers/Technicians will be presented with an automatic reminder to attach the document before completing the job.
Q - Can I use both the scan and upload features on one job?
Yes - After each scan/document is processed, you have the option to Add document and compete the process again to add more documents.
Q - What file types are utilised?
Scanned documents are converted to a pdf, and pdf files can be uploaded.