Completing Start of Day Checklists

Designed to enhance fleet safety and compliance, you can introduce Start of Day Checklists into your operations to ensure your dedicated fleet or 3PL are meeting their legal requirements every day.

We have a great number of both service and delivery clients adopting this functionality in order to better protect their drivers and servicemen on both the roads and job sites and to ensure every completed job is regulation standard. 

Drivers can work through a checklist that communicates to management that they have completed all the necessary training required to complete the job and are able to complete work.

Start of Day Checklists require Drivers to complete a checklist once at the start of their shift when they log into their Radaro app. Start of Day Checklists are perfect for tasks Drivers may only need complete once a day, such as vehicle and license checks. Pre-Job Start Checklists, on the other hand, are great for Drivers to ensure they are ready to complete each individual job, such as ensuring they have the necessary equipment or parts available.

Start of Day Checklists are completely configurable in order to reflect the appropriate training and licensing required based on your operations e.g. Valid Driver’s License, Plumbing License, etc.



If for any reason you are required to select "No" on a question, you will be asked to supply evidence of why. This includes taking an image and add additional comments. This will then be escalated to your manager. 



If you see a question which includes "Additional Info" you can select it and explore further. Managers have the ability to include links out to Work Safe practices and other helpful resources. 



For any requirements of the checklist that cannot be confirmed by a driver, or for drivers requiring any further information, click-out links can be included to direct drivers to the necessary information, training module, etc to provide them with the material required to complete the required training and continue with their jobs.

Other Checklists available within the Radaro software include:

If you need assistance with Start of Day Checklists or are interested in learning more about how Radaro can be integrated into your operations, contact your Radaro Account Manager or a member of the Radaro team via